The kick off day is September 9, 2019 from 9 am until noon-ish. I generally take off around 11:30 to grab lunch before heading back to the library for my 'day job'.
As usual, I will bring along tea, hot water, and snacks!
The other day, someone asked me why I titled the laid-back, positive environment of our writer's group "Writer's Block".
The short answer is: I like double meanings.
The long answer is: The word 'block' in the title can equate to a LOT of different meanings! Sometimes, an author may feel as though they need to break through something this is preventing the story from moving forward. Sometimes, solitary scribes secretly seek socially ceremonial situations (an assembly, or Block if you will). Sometimes, an author may feel as though they have found their heads set upon the Block. Or the efforts of said author being auctioned on the block...
I'll stop now.
Another question frequently asked is: "Why did you start the Writer's Block?"
The non-B.S. answer is that I have found in helping other folks succeed in their writing goals, I feels a sense of success and a clearer vision of my goals as an author.
My background as a writer is usually part of the above question as well. I have always written fiction in some form or another all my life. I've got a couple of published works under my belt. I enjoy visiting GenCon's Writers Symposium whenever I am able. When I am not jotting down the seeds of an idea, you might find me hammering away on a keyboard lost in the story du'jour or throwing dice in the midst of a Role Play game. I paint, sketch, and create props. This, coupled with my appreciation of meeting folks and listening to their dreams, nightmares, adventures, and hopes further fuels my love of humanities place in the creative process!
Last, but certainly not least, there's YOUR participation in the W.B.! Below are a few things that we will discuss as openers on our first day.
> Notebooks, Journals, and Recording: Every day, we have an idea or two. Sometimes it might be a way to structure a scene, sometimes it might be a character trait, other times it might be the seed of a new idea. JOT IT DOWN! Take the picture! Dictate it! Sketch the concept. When you bring it into the physical world, it BECOMES REAL.
>Your writing space: Some folks have rooms. Some folks have the dining room table. Are there days / times when you find you are successful? Others have a place in the coffee shop. Sometimes, it is the RITUAL rather than the PLACE. It might be a blending of all these things. This is your INVESTMENT into your craft.
>Your motivations: History? Hope? Escape? Validation? Linguistics? Money? Wisdom? Fame? A little bit of this and that? Appreciate and embrace what motivates you as a Writer. This motivation is your FOUNDATION from which your writing will build upon and grow out of.
>Your PROJECT(s): It might be a seed of an idea, a poem, a historic work of non-fiction, or it might be book 8 in a series of novels. What is it and how are you doing? What can the WB do to help out? We may not have an easy answer on-hand, but we sure will try to find one with you!
So, in closing, here's what to expect on Sept 9th:
>Snacks, coffee and tea
>Resources and communications
>Round-table discussion
>Sign in / contact list
>This year's plan: the 10,000-foot view
>Theme of the day: Intro's and Projects
>Time for public reading / critique
>Discussing the Critique Methodology
>WORDS = SUCCESS (It is time to jump out of the plane)
See you soon!
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