Monday, June 13, 2016


OK, we talked about setting goals and making things happen by said goals. Here's the deadline list:

1. Diane's goal: Finish the first section to prep for Paris section.

2. Kathy's goal: E-version of Anatomy of a Book for publication.

3. Dave's goal: Outline for July's Camp NaNoWriMo AND Run all of the Kite's Parcel novel through AutoCrit.

4. Jen's goal: Write EVERY DAY.

5. Rose's Goal: Try out the Dragon Dictation software and look into playback / editor help (Kathy?)

We will report back to each other in two weeks (Monday 6/27) and see how we all came along!

Also, the AutoCrit editing link is up at the right corner of the page.

Have fun everyone!

Saturday, June 11, 2016


It's June. Looks like it has officially stopped snowing in Wisconsin!

Next Monday is Writer's Block at the Niederkorn Library. I'm planning on talking about a couple of writing things that are currently on my mind:

1. Camp NaNo (in July).

2. AutoCrit editing software and my passive writing voice.

3. Structuring a story using the three-act play as a formula.

As usual, I will bring coffee, tea, and snacks!
