We discussed Kathy's SciFi work, plot points, time travel mechanics, story arcs, character bibles, etc. It got kind of 'timey-wimey', but I hoped it helped.
Eric has completed her first work and is shopping it around. Now she looking into that second book, zeroing in on some character details!
We talked about elevator speeches and shopping out books. We discussed some publishing groups such as:
I've also attached a few more publishing links over there to the right...
We discussed royalties for anthologies: covering for publishing costs, editors, and using the profits to facilitate further works. We briefly discussed the anthology plans as well, folks still seem interested and I'll do my best to cobble together what I've got so far in a (near) future blog.
We discussed Diane's work about a bike hike up a mountain, and the trials that occur. We also got a peek at her poetry books (2 so far and a third coming together)!
Jennifer discussed her opening chapters of her book, some rewrites, and adjustments!
This was followed up with a transition question Megan had with her work, unfortunately I had to step out early before I had a chance to be a part of the follow up. Bring Book II in next W.B. Megan! It sounds like you have (at least) a few sales!
Write on, everyone.
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