It was a crystallizing kind of day at the WB!
Tad let us know about the Gallery 224 poetry readings and workshops going on this year. She also brought in TWO great poems to be critiqued by the group. The critique turned into quiet an inspiring discussion of many topics (location, layout, reflection within the work, weight of concepts and their location in the work, etc.)
Writing bio's came up. We poked the idea with a pointy stick and then let that sleeping dog lay.
Erica is setting the groundwork for the marketing side of things: facebook, blogging, etc. Just click the links to see how she's doing!
Jennifer moved, got employed, created a writing space, and resparked the writing bug!
The idea of creating a 2019 anthology has been officially accepted by the crew. Here's what we're working on so far, as well as a timeline of where we would like to see this go...
Anthology Title Ideas:
The Best Recipies for Snickerdoodles
Cat Sitting and Other Pointless Endeavors
Around the Block
From the Basement of the Library
The Subterranean Literary Society Presents
Literary Dungeon
How Dogs Think
Footsteps Overhead
Submissions: Poems, Short Stories (3000 - 6000 word count), Essays
Publishers: Kindle Direct, Lulu, Heritage Publishing Co, Foremost Press
November open mic reading: Gallery224, Smith Bros,
Open source photography Unsplash
Facebook page E.collins
*Anyone who stops by the WB can contribute
*Find an editor
*Taking contributions from TODAY until April 8th. (Soft date) May 13 is the Hard Date.
Write on!