It was a great morning at the WB! Diane discussed some character concepts, Jen W is looking at editing her novel, Tad took us to the Carnival, and I talked about Ashland, Wisconsin.
Working with Tad's poem, we practiced a feedback style called: Latter of Feedback. With this process, the author reads the work, then the floor opens to four stages of discussion:
First, Clarify. This is where people ask questions about the work for understanding.
Second,Values. This is where we discuss the positives of the work.
Third, Concerns. This is where we discuss the issues we have with the work.
Fourth, Suggestions. Opinions and ideas that didn't make it into the above three categories.
It opened the door for a LOT of discussion and positive feedback! Thanks for showing it to us Tad!
We ended on the subject of creating an Anthology to be made ready by late 2019. Our ultimate goal is to have 15-25 authors create works (any genre, poetry, memoir, etc) that would fill in a soft cap of 3000 words.
Yes. I understand that some poems are a little lighter than that, and we'll work though it.
Questions raised were:
- Editor? Publisher? Press?
- 10-Month Process (1st draft date, rewrite date, final edit date)
- Final Proof and Print
- Publication Date?
- Launch Party (and public reading)!
Just something to think about!